Students » Incoming Freshman Class of 2028!

Incoming Freshman Class of 2028!

Hello New Mather Students and Families,


We are so excited to have you join our school community! We look forward to working with you and ensuring you have a positive and productive high school experience. At Mather HS, we have a strong culture and consistently empower the voices of all community stakeholders including students, staff, parents, and our colleagues at the National Park Service. We also celebrate our six (6) core values of collaboration, responsibility, being action oriented, taking positive riskscraftsmanship, and being conscientious and aware!


To start, we want to get to know all of our incoming students and have a little fun in the process. To do so, we are inviting your student to our annual New Student Orientation days on Wednesday August 28th and Thursday August 29th, 2024. Please make every effort to ensure your student attends both orientation days. These days are crucial to building relationships and handling some logistical things before the school year begins. Snacks and drinks will be provided on both days.


Please RSVP by Friday August 23, 2024 by replying to this email. Please complete and sign the attached trip consent form. The form can be emailed back to us or brought in person with your student. A brief outline of each day’s activities is below.


Wednesday August 28th, 2024 - All New Students at Mather High School – 439 West 49th Street NY, NY


9:30 AM – Arrival and Check-in

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM – Activities including the following:

        a. Student ID Photos and Computer Pick-up

        b. School and Campus Tour

        c. Core Value Games

        d. ROTC Presentation

1:00 PM - Dismissal


Thursday August 29th, 2024 – All New Students at Governors Island – Departing from Mather HS - Bring a Bag Lunch


9:00 AM – Arrival AT MATHER and Check-in

9:30 AM – Students and staff depart from Mather HS for the Governors Island Ferry

10:30 AM – Ferry over to Governors Island from South Ferry area of Manhattan

10:45 AM to 2:15 PM – Activities including the following:

      a. Group Scavenger Hunt and Instagram Challenge

      b. Intro to our NPS partnership and Work-based Learning

      c. Q & A about the upcoming year

2:30 PM - Dismissal from BATTERY PARK


If you have questions and want to speak to someone, please call the school at (212)399-3520. You can also reach Principal Mayer directly on his cell at (917)733-2243 or Assistant Principal Fein on her cell at 917-716-9681. You can also email either of them at [email protected] or [email protected]. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Enjoy the remaining days of summer and be well!




Principal Mayer and the Mather High School Staff